Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An Eternal Affair with Moon

 An Eternal Affair with Moon 
Sun is set, day is down
An end to dawn is set in motion
Charming dusk came with divine stars
To capture the world again and take to paradise

Star, with her twinkle blink
To catch the world just by her wink
In her hide and seek, she is fine
That’s how she shows her frame of mind

She is clear in her expression
Her serenity on Moon and fury on Sun 
Veils herself like a shy girl with the Moon
Her joy by then is secret to the unknown

Seconds shine seconds disappear
This the way how she loves her dear
Her innocence can be compared
To the blossoming buds spread

Through winds she sends her message
She follows the same since age
Blowing wind whispers her love
This is as sweet as morning dew


Depth of her feeling for her dear
Cannot be found and it’s rarest of the rare
She never minds as to her dear hears to her
Her feeling to him is ever flowing river

She comes before him to see him full of eyes
She leaves before him filling him in her eyes
She spends the day in that thought
What wealth he to her had brought

Ever since history begun her affair is there
She has a dream to make it a rare
Which she never wants to share
Which she kept as a secret with care

She goes for mourn when moon is not seen
A fest for her when moon is on his full shine
She is alive and along with the time she moves on
Since for her he is the only one who is on

Everywhere she looks around
She can just feel his sound
For the whole night she is awake
Celebrating the happiness as her love is back

Past, Present and Future are there
As a witness for her affair

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